MADD Gets Poor Rating For Its Spending Practices
Charity watchdog organizations have given MADD low ratings for its fundraising and spending practices. Organizations such as Charity Navigator and Philantrophy Charity Rating Guide says MADD has poor spending practices. MADD has lost touch with its base. MADD’s original mission was to get hardcore drunks off the road. With drunk driving fatalities at historic lows MADD has focused on eliminating the rights of social drinkers. MADD’s anti-alcohol agenda now advocates alcohol detectors in all cars, indiscriminate sobriety check points and sky high alcohol taxes.
MADD changed its original slogan of “Don’t drive drunk” to “Don’t drink and drive.” MADD’s new mission to prohibit all social drinking has little to do with drunk driving. MADD’s desire to criminalize responsible drinking and driving is not consistent with its original mission. MADD went so far to advocate every divorce agreement includes a prohibition that parents refrain from drinking before driving their children. MADD wants to prevent a mother from having a glass of wine at a restaurant with her kids. MADD founder Candy Lightner severed ties with the group saying [MADD] “has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I ever wanted, I didn’t start MADD to deal with alcohol, I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving.”